Security Tips and Information
- Don't leave notes on your mailbox or door
- Use timers to maintain normal lighting while you are away
- Install a peephole
- Ensure that grass is cut while you are away
- Never leave a spare key hidden outside. Most burglars are familiar with all of the normal hiding places
- Have exterior lights illuminate all entrances
- For vacation, have mail and newspaper delivery stopped or picked up by a neighbor
- Keep shrubbery cut back far enough so your house and perimeter are visible from the street
- Lock your doors even when you are home
- If you valet your vehicle or are having it serviced, never leave your house key
- Keep tools, ladders and trash cans locked away.
- Do not advertise big purchases by throwing the box outside for all to see
- Do not put your home address on luggage tags
- Never post to social media that you are away, and while away do not post vacation pictures
Remember, a security system should not be relied on all on its own